Source code for

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

    _string_types = (str, unicode)
except NameError:
    _string_types = (str,)

[docs]def get_color_scheme(values, cmap=None, colors=None, levels=None, how=None): """ Generate a norm and color scheme from data Parameters ---------- values : array-like data to be plotted, from which to generate cmap and norm. This should be an array, DataArray, etc. that we can use to find the min/max and/or quantiles of the data. cmap : str, optional named matplotlib cmap (default inferred from data) colors : list-like, optional list of colors to use in a discrete colormap, or with which to create a custom color map levels : list-like, optional boundaries of discrete colormap, provide how : str, optional Optional setting form ``{'linear', 'log', 'symlog', None}``. Used to construct the returned ``norm`` object, which defines the way the colors map to values. By default, we the method is inferred from the ``values``. Returns ------- cmap : object :py:class:`matplotlib.colors.cmap` color mapping norm : object :py:class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance using the provided values, levels, color specification, and "how" method """ mini, maxi = float(values.min()), float(values.max()) amax = max(abs(mini), abs(maxi)) if (cmap is None) and (colors is not None): cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("custom_cmap", colors) elif cmap is None: if (mini < 0) and (maxi > 0): cmap = else: cmap = elif isinstance(cmap, _string_types): cmap = if how is None and levels is not None: norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(levels, cmap.N) elif (how is None) or (how == "eq_hist"): if levels is None: levels = 11 bin_edges = np.percentile( values[~np.isnan(values)], np.linspace(0, 100, levels) ) norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bin_edges, cmap.N) elif how == "log": norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=mini, vmax=maxi) elif how == "symlog": norm = matplotlib.colors.SymLogNorm( vmin=-amax, vmax=amax, linthresh=(amax / 100) ) elif how == "linear": norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=mini, vmax=maxi) else: raise ValueError( "color scheme `how` argument {} not recognized. " "choose from {eq_hist, log, symlog, linear} or " "provide `levels`".format(how) ) return cmap, norm
[docs]def add_colorbar(ax, cmap="viridis", norm=None, orientation="vertical", **kwargs): """ Add a colorbar to a plot, using a pre-defined cmap and norm Parameters ---------- ax : object matplotlib axis object cmap : str or object, optional :py:class:`matplotlib.colors.cmap` instance or name of a registered cmap (default viridis) norm: object, optional :py:class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance. default is a linear norm between the min and max of the first plotted object. orientation : str, optional default 'vertical' **kwargs : passed to colorbar constructor """ if norm is None: norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize n_cmap =, cmap=cmap) n_cmap.set_array([]) cbar = ax.get_figure().colorbar(n_cmap, ax=ax, orientation=orientation, **kwargs) return cbar